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The tumble dryer must be installed in
a clean position, where dirt does not
Air must flow freely around the appli-
ance. Make sure that the front airflow
slots in the bottom of the appliance
are not blocked .
To keep vibration and noise at the
minimum, when the tumble dryer op-
erates, it must be put on a stable and
flat surface.
When the appliance is put in its per-
manent position, check if is fully level
with the aid of a spirit level. If it is
not, adjust the feet until it is.
Do not remove the feet. Do not de-
crease the floor clearance through
thick carpets, bar of wood or equiva-
lent. This can increase the heat which
can cause interference with the oper-
ation of the appliance.
The temperature of the hot
air which occurs in the tumble
dryer can increase to 60 °C.
The appliance must not be in-
stalled on the floor which is
not resistant to high tempera-
When the tumble dryer oper-
ates, the room temperature
must not be lower than +5 °C
and higher than +35 °C. This
can cause unwanted effect on
the performance of the appli-
If it is necessary to move the
appliance, it must be moved
The appliance must not be in-
stalled behind a lockable
door, a sliding door, a door
with a hinge on the opposite
side to that of the appliance
in such a way that a full open-
ing of the tumble dryer is re-
It is possible to adjust the height of the
tumble dryer. To do that adjust the feet
(see picture).
Before use all parts of the transport
packaging must be removed.
To remove the polystyrene blockages:
1. Open the load door.
2. Pull 2 plastic hoses with the poly-
styrene blockages out from the

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Andere handleiding(en) van AEG Electrolux LAVATHERM 75470AH

AEG Electrolux LAVATHERM 75470AH Storingscodes - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

AEG Electrolux LAVATHERM 75470AH Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Français - 60 pagina's

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