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User’s Manual >>
Insert the battery paying careful attention to the polarity (+ or –) of
the terminals.
Inserting the battery with its polarities inverted might cause fire and
injury, or damage to the surrounding areas due to the battery rupturing
or leaking.
Do not fire the flash close to anyone’s eyes.
This might cause damage to the person’s eyesight.
Do not subject the LCD monitor to impact.
This might damage the glass on the screen or cause the internal fluid
to leak. If the internal fluid enters your eyes or comes into contact with
your body or clothes, rinse with fresh water. If the internal fluid has
entered your eyes, consult a physician to receive treatment.
A camera is a precision instrument. Do not drop it, strike it or use
excessive force when handling the camera.
This might cause damage to the camera.
Do not use the camera in humid, steamy, smoky, or dusty places.
This might cause fire or electric shock.
Do not remove the battery immediately after long period of
continuous use.
The battery becomes hot during use. Touching a hot battery might
cause burns.
Do not wrap the camera or place it in cloth or blankets.
This might cause heat to build up and deform the case, resulting in
fire. Use the camera in a well-ventilated place.
Do not leave the camera in places where the temperature may rise
significantly, such as inside a car.
This might adversely affect the case or the parts inside, resulting in
Before you move the camera, disconnect cords and cables.
Failure to do this might damage cords and cables, resulting in fire and
electric shock.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Traveler DC-8300

Traveler DC-8300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 83 pagina's

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