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Safety instructions
The washing machine is heavy - take care when lifting.
Caution: frozen hoses may rip/burst. Do not install the washing machine in areas exposed
to frost or outdoors.
The washing machine could be damaged. Do not lift the appliance by protruding
components (e.g. the washing machine door).
In addition to the instructions provided in this document, special regulations from the
relevant water and electric utility companies may apply.
If in doubt, have a technician connect the appliance.
Lay hoses and cables in such a way that there is no risk of tripping.
Installation surface
The machine must be stable so that it does not move around.
The installation surface must be firm and level.
Soft floors/floor coverings are not suitable.
Installation on a pedestal
The feet of the washing machine must be secured with holding brackets*.
* order no. WMZ2200, WX9756, CZ110600, Z7080X0
Installation on a wood joist floor
If possible, place the washing machine in a corner.
Screw a water-resistant wooden board (min. 30 mm thick) to the floor.
The feet of the washing machine must be secured with holding brackets*.
* order no. see above
Installing the appliance
Install the appliance before connecting it to the power supply.
Installation in a kitchenette (underneath the worktop or fitted in a cabinet)
Recess width of 60 cm required.
Only install the washing machine underneath a continuous worktop that is securely
connected to adjacent cabinets.
Installation underneath the worktop
Risk of electric shock.
Instead of the appliance covering plate, you must have a metal cover * fitted by an expert.
* order no. WMZ2420, WZ10190
Recess width of 60 cm required.
Scope of delivery depending on model
Also required, depending on the connection:
1 hose clamp Ø 24-40 mm (exclusive dealers) to connect to a siphon
a page 4; water connection.
Useful tools
Spirit level for installation.
Hose and cable lengths depending on model
Left-hand connection
Right-hand connection
Available from specialist dealers/the after-sales service:
Extension for Aqua-Stop or cold-water inlet hose (approx. 2.50 m).
order no. WMZ2380, WZ10130, CZ11350, Z7070X0
Longer inlet hose (approx. 2.20 m) for standard model.
Mains cable
Water outlet
Water inlet
for fixing the drainage
hose in place
AquaäStop AquaäSecure Standard
(depending on model)
145 cm
100 cm
90 cm
140 cm
145 cm
min. 60 cm
90 cm
max. 100 cm
Moisture inside the drum is
due to final testing.
Removing the transport braces
Before using the appliance for the first time, make sure that you
completely remove transport braces and keep them for subsequent
If you need to transport the appliance at a later date, always re-affix the
transport braces to prevent damage to the machine a page 6.
Store the screw and sleeve screwed together.
1. Take the hoses and elbow out of the holders, depending on model.
2. Loosen the bolts ....
... until they move freely in the sleeves.
3. Completely remove all 4 transportation protection devices (each bolt
together with sleeve) and take the main cable out of the holder.
Always displace bolt and sleeve together as shown in the illustration.
All bolts and sleeves must be removed.
4. Insert covers.
Water connection depending on model
Risk of electric shock. Do not immerse the Aqua-Stop safety device in water
(contains an electric valve).
To prevent leaks or water damage, observe the instructions in this
Caution: only operate the washing machine using cold drinking water.
Do not connect to the mixer tap of an unpressurised hot-water boiler.
Do not use a used inlet hose. Only use the inlet hose supplied or one which was
purchased from an authorised specialist dealer.
If in doubt, have a technician connect the appliance.
Water inlet
Water inlet hose:
Caution: do not bend, squash, modify or cut through
(otherwise its strength is no longer guaranteed).
Optimum water pressure in the supply network: 100ä1,000 kPa (1ä10 bar)
When the tap is on, the water flow is at least 8 l/min.
If the water pressure is higher than this, a pressure reducing valve must be installed.
Model: AquaäStop
1. Connect the water inlet hose to the tap.
Caution: only tighten the screw connections by
2. Open the water tap carefully, checking the leak
tightness of the connection points.
Caution: the screw connection is under mains water
Water outlet
Water outlet hose:
Caution: do not bend or pull lengthways.
Height difference between the installation surface and the drain:
min. 60 cm - max. 100 cm
Outlet in a sink
Caution: secure the drain hose from slipping out.
Caution: the plug must not block drainage from the sink. During
pumping, check whether the water is draining away quickly enough.
The end of the drain hose must not be immersed in the water pumped
out. This risks water being sucked back into the washing machine.
Drainage into a siphon:
Caution: the connection point must be secured with a hose clamp,
Ø 24-40 mm (exclusive dealers).
10 mm
10 mm

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