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Printed in Korea
Code No.: GH68-15251A
English (EU). 08/2007. Rev.1.0
World Wide Web
User’s Guide
• Depending on the software installed or your service provider or country,
some of the descriptions in this guide may not match your phone exactly.
• Depending on your country, your phone and accessories may appear different
from the illustrations in this guide.
Installing the SIM card and battery
1. Remove the battery cover and insert the SIM card.
2. Install the battery and reattach the cover.
Battery cover
Charging the battery
1. Plug the supplied travel adapter.
: When you plug in the travel adapter, the charging indicator may not
appear for up to 5 minutes, but the battery is charging properly.
2. When charging is finished, unplug the adapter.
: Do not remove the battery from the phone without unplugging the
adapter first. Otherwise, the phone may be damaged.
To AC wall outlet
Phone layout and key functions
Web access/
Confirm key
In Idle mode,
accesses the web
browser. Selects the
highlighted option or
confirms input in
Menu mode.
Voicemail server
Voicemail server
Soft keys
Perform functions
indicated by the
text above the key.
Dial key
Makes and answers
a call. In Idle mode,
retrieves the most
recent calls.
Alphanumeric keys
4-way navigation keys
In Menu mode, scroll
through menu options.
In Idle mode, access the
following menus:
: adjust the
key tone volume.
Power/End key
Turns the phone on or
off when held down.
Also ends a call.
Silent mode key
Silent mode
Cancel/Clear key
Deletes characters from the
display. Returns the display
to the previous menu level.
Sends an SOS message
when pressed four times
with the keypad locked.
SOS mode
Your phone is in Idle mode when you are not on a call or using a menu.
You must be in Idle mode to dial a phone number.
Press and hold
in Idle mode to disable all sounds on the phone.
To exit, press and hold this key again.
Press and hold
in Idle mode to access your voicemail server.
four times when the keypad is locked to send an SOS
message to preset numbers. Once the SOS message is sent, the
phone will change to SOS mode and will receive calls only from the
registered recipients. Upon receiving a call from the SOS message
recipients, the phone will automatically answer the call. Press to
exit SOS mode
Menu Phonebook
Text and graphics
Soft key function indicators
Your phone displays the following status indicators on the top of the
Icon Description
Signal strength
Call in progress
Out of your service area; you cannot make or receive calls
except for emergency calls
SOS message feature active
GPRS network
Alarm set
Home Zone, if registered for the appropriate service
Call diverting feature active
New text message
New multimedia message
New voicemail message
Silent mode
Ringer type
•None: Melody
•: Vibration
: Vibration then melody
Battery power level
Switching on or off the phone
1. Press and hold for more than one second to switch on the phone.
2. If the time & date message appears, press the
soft key and set
the time and date by the following onscreen instructions.
3. To switch off the phone, press and hold for more than two
Changing the display language
1. In Idle mode, press the
soft key.
2. Select
Phone settings
Text language
3. Select a language.
Making a call
1. In Idle mode, enter an area code and phone number, and press .
2. When you want to end the call, press .
Answering a call
1. When the phone rings, press the
soft key or to answer a
2. To end the call, press .
Adjusting the volume
1. In Idle mode, press the
soft key.
2. Select
Incoming calls
Ring volume
3. Press the Navigation keys to adjust the volume level.
4. Press the
soft key.
While a call is in progress, press
to adjust the earpiece
Changing a ringtone for calls
1. In Idle mode, press the
soft key.
2. Select
Sound settings
Incoming calls
Default ringtones
My sounds
3. Select a ringtone and press the
soft key.
Redialling recent numbers
1. In Idle mode, press .
2. Press
to scroll to the number you want.
3. Press to dial the number.
Using the menus
In Idle mode, press the
soft key
to enter the main menu.
Use the 4-way navigation keys to scroll up, down,
left, or right through the menu system, highlight
menu items, and change feature settings.
To exit the menu
without changing
the menu settings,
press this key.
Labels at the bottom corners of the display
show the current soft key functions. Press
the left soft key ( ) or right soft key ( )
to perform the function indicated.
To return to the
previous menu
level, press the
soft key or
To select or modify a menu or feature:
1. In Idle mode, press the
soft key.
2. Press the Navigation keys to reach a desired menu and then press
soft key or .
3. If the menu contains any submenus, locate the one you want by
pressing the Navigation keys. Press the
soft key or to
enter the submenu.
If the selected menu contains additional submenus, repeat this step.
4. Press the Navigation keys to find the setting of your choice.
5. Press the
soft key or to confirm your chosen setting.
Shortcut numbers
You can quickly access the menu you want by using shortcut numbers.
The shortcut number displays in front of the menu name in Menu mode.
Menu map
1. Call log
1.1 Missed calls
1.2 Received calls
1.3 Dialled calls
1.4 Delete all
1.5 Call time
1.6 Call costs*
2. Network services
2.1 Call diverting
2.2 Call barring
2.3 Call waiting
2.4 Network selection
2.5 Caller ID
2.6 Active line
3. Applications
3.1 Voice recorder
3.2 FM radio
3.3 SIM-AT
4. Sound settings
4.1 Incoming calls
4.2 Messages
4.3 Power on/off
4.4 Connection tone
4.5 Keypad tone
4.6 Minute minder
4.7 Silent mode
4.8 Alerts on call
5. Messages
5.1 Text messages
5.2 Multimedia messages
5.3 Push messages
5.4 Preset messages
5.5 Voice mail
5.6 Broadcast
5.7 Settings
5.8 SOS messages
5.9 Memory status
6. Fun box
6.1 WWW services
6.2 Media box
6.3 JAVA world
7. Planner
7.1 New memo
7.2 Calendar
7.3 To do list
7.4 Clock
7.5 Alarm
7.6 Calculator
7.7 Converter
7.8 Timer
7.9 Stopwatch
8. Camera
8.1 Take photo
8.2 My photos
8.3 Delete all
8.4 Settings
8.5 Memory status
9. Phone settings
9.1 Display
9.2 Greeting message
9.3 Language
9.4 Offline mode
9.5 Security
9.6 Auto redial
9.7 Voice clarity
9.8 Anykey answer
9.9 Auto keypad lock
9.10 Reset settings
Press the
key in Idle mode.
1. Find name
2. FDN list
3. Add entry
4. Speed-dial list
5. Own number
6. Group setting
7. Management
8. SDN*
Available only if supported
by your SIM card.
Entering text
Changing the text input mode
In a text input field, press the right soft key until the input mode indicator
you want appears:
•T9 mode
•ABC mode
Number mode
•Symbol mode
T9 mode
1. Press
to start entering a word. Press each key once for one
Example: To enter “Hello” in T9 mode, press
, and
T9 predicts the word that you are typing, and it may change with each
key that you press.
2. Enter the whole word before editing or deleting characters.
3. When the word displays correctly, go to step 4. Otherwise, press
display alternative word choices for the keys that you have pressed.
For example, “Of” and “Me” use
4. Press to insert a space and enter the next word.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung SGH-C450

Samsung SGH-C450 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Samsung SGH-C450 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 7 pagina's

Samsung SGH-C450 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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