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Install the SIM card and battery
Remove the back cover and insert the SIM card.1.
Insert the battery and replace the back cover.2.
Charge the battery
Plug a travel adapter 1.
into the multifunction jack.
When charging is 2.
the travel adapter.
Do not remove the battery from the phone before •
phone may be damaged.
To save energy, unplug the travel adapter when •
not in use. The travel adapter does not have
a power switch, so you must unplug the travel
adapter from the outlet to interrupt the power
supply. The travel adapter should remain close to
the socket when in use.
Instructional icons
Note: notes, usage tips, or additional
Followed by: the order of options or menus
you must select to perform a step; for
example: In Menu mode, select Messages
Create message (represents Messages,
followed by Create message)
[ ]
Square brackets: phone keys; for example:
] (represents the Power/End key)
< >
Angled brackets: softkeys that control
different functions at each screen; for
example: <OK> (represents the OK softkey)
Turn your phone on or off
To turn your phone on,
Press and hold [1.
Enter your PIN and press <2. OK> (if necessary).
To turn your phone off, repeat step 1 above.
Access menus
To access your phone’s menus,
In Idle mode, press <1. Menu> to access Menu mode.
Menu mode depending on your region or service
Use the Navigation key to scroll to a menu or option.2.
Press <3. Select>, <Save>,ortheConrmkeyto
Press <4. Back> to move up one level; Press [
] to
return to Idle mode.
When you access a menu requiring the PIN2, you •
must enter the PIN2 supplied by the SIM card.
For details, contact your service provider.
Samsung is not responsible for any loss of •
passwords or private information or other
damages caused by illegal software.
Make a call
In Idle mode, enter an area code and a phone 1.
Press [2.
] to dial the number.
To end the call, press [3.
Answer a call
When a call comes in, press [1. ].
To end the call, press [2.
Adjust the volume
To adjust the volume of the ringtone
In Menu mode, select 1. Settings Proles.
to adjust the volume of the ringtone.
Press <3. Options> Edit.
Select 4. Volume and scroll to Call alert.
Scroll left or right to adjust the volume level.5.
Press <6. Save>.
To adjust the volume of voice during a call
While a call is in progress, press the Navigation key up
or down to adjust the volume.
hearing the calls while using the speakerphone
feature. For better audio performance, use the
normal phone mode.
Change your ringtone
In Menu mode, select 1. Settings Proles.
you are not allowed to change the ringtone.
Press <3. Options> Edit.
Select 4. Call ringtone.
Select a ringtone.5.
Call a recently dialled number
In Idle mode, press [1. ] to display a list of recent
Scroll left or right to a call type.2.
Scroll up or down to a number or name.3.
PresstheConrmkeytoviewdetailsofthecallor 4.
] to dial the number.
Use the shortcut toolbar
You can use the shortcut toolbar to access your
favourite menus.
To add menus on the shortcut toolbar
In Menu mode, select 1. Settings Display
Shortcuts toolbar.
Press <2. Options> Edit.
Select your favourite menus.3.
Press <4. Options> Open to select submenus
(if necessary).
Press <5. Save>, or press <Options> Save.
To access a menu from the shortcut toolbar
In Idle mode, scroll left or right to the menu you want
When the shortcut toolbar is activated, the
Navigation key does not work as shortcuts
depending on your region.
Lock your phone
In Menu mode, select 1. Settings Security
Phone lock On.
Enter a new 4 to 8 digit password and press <2. OK>.
Enter the new password again and press <3. OK>.
Lock your SIM card
You can lock your SIM card to allow the phone to use
only the SIM card and to prevent other people from using
the SIM card.
To allow the phone to use only your SIM card
In Menu mode, select 1. Settings Security SIM
lock On.
Enter a new 4 to 8 digit password and press <2. OK>.
Enter the new password again and press <3. OK>.
To prevent others from using the SIM card
In Menu mode, select 1. Settings Security PIN
lock On.
Enter the 4-digit PIN supplied with the SIM card and 2.
press <OK>.
Enter text
To change the text input mode
Press and hold [• ] to switch between T9 and ABC
modes. Depending on your region, you may be able to
Press [•
] to change case or switch to Number mode.
Press [•
] to switch to Symbol mode.
Press and hold [•
] to select an input mode or change
the input language.
T9 mode
Press the appropriate alphanumeric keys to enter an 1.
entire word.
When the word displays correctly, press [2. 0] to insert
a space. If the correct word does not display, press
the Navigation key up or down to select an alternate
ABC mode
Press an appropriate alphanumeric key until the
character you want appears on the display.
Number mode
Press an appropriate alphanumeric key to enter a
Symbol mode
Press an appropriate alphanumeric key to enter a
To move the cursor, press the Navigation key.•
To delete characters one by one, press <• Clear>.
To delete all of the characters, press and hold
To insert a space between characters, press [• 0].
To enter punctuation marks, press [• 1].
Add a new contact
The memory location to save new contacts may
be preset depending on your service provider. To
change the memory location, in Menu mode, select
Contacts Management Save new contacts
to a memory location.
In Idle mode, enter a phone number and press 1.
Select 2. Create contact a memory location
(if necessary).
Select a number type (if necessary).3.
Enter contact information.4.
PresstheConrmkeyorpress<5. Options> Save
to add the contact to memory.
Send and view messages
To send a text message
In Menu mode, select 1. Messages Create
Enter a destination number and scroll down.2.
Enter the message text. 3.
Enter text
To view text messages
In Menu mode, select 1. Messages Inbox.
Select a text message.2.
Make fake calls
You can simulate an incoming call when you want to get
out of meetings or unwanted conversations.
To activate the fake call feature
In Menu mode, select Settings Applications Call
Fake call Fake call hot key.
To make a fake call
In Idle mode, press and hold the Navigation key •
Activate the mobile tracker
When someone inserts a new SIM card in your phone,
the mobile tracker feature will automatically send the
locate and recover your phone.
To activate the mobile tracker,
In Menu mode, select 1. Settings Security
Mobile tracker.
Enter your password and select <2. OK>.
Scroll left or right to 3. On.
recipient list.
Press <5. Options> Contacts to open your
contact list.
Select a contact.6.
Select a number (if necessary).7.
Scroll down and enter the sender’s name.9.
Press <10. Save> <Accept>.
Set and use alarms
To set a new alarm
In Menu mode, select 1. Alarms.
Select an empty alarm location.2.
Set alarm details.3.
Press <4. Save>, or press <Options> Save.
To stop an alarm
When the alarm sounds,
Press <• OK>ortheConrmkeytostopthealarm
without snooze.
Press <• OK>ortheConrmkeytostopthealarmwith
snooze, or press <Snooze> to silence the alarm for
the snooze period.
To deactivate an alarm
In Menu mode, select 1. Alarms.
Select the alarm you want to deactivate.2.
Scroll left or right to 3. Off.
Press <4. Save>.
If the battery has been removed, the scheduled
alarm may not sound.
Declaration of Conformity (R&TTE)
We, Samsung Electronics
declare under our sole responsibility that the product
GSM Mobile Phone : GT-E1190
to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards and/or
other normative documents.
SAFETY EN 60950-1 : 2006 + A11 : 2009
SAR EN 50360 : 2001 / AC 2006
EN 62209-1 : 2006
EMC EN 301 489-01 V1.8.1 (04-2008)
EN 301 489-07 V1.3.1 (11-2005)
RADIO EN 301 511 V9.0.2(03-2003)
We hereby declare that [all essential radio test suites have been carried out and that]
the above named product is in conformity to all the essential requirements of Directive
The conformity assessment procedure referred to in Article 10 and detailed in Annex[IV]
BABT, Forsyth House,
Surrey, KT12 2TD, UK*
The technical documentation kept at :
Samsung Electronics QA Lab.
which will be made available upon request.
(Representative in the EU)
Samsung Electronics Euro QA Lab.
Blackbushe Business Park, Saxony Way,
Yateley, Hampshire, GU46 6GG, UK*
2011.06.08 Joong-Hoon Choi / Lab Manager
(place and date of issue) (name and signature of authorised person)
* It is not the address of Samsung Service Centre. For the address or the phone number of
Samsung Service Centre, see the warranty card or contact the retailer where you purchased
your product.
Activate the torch light
The torch light feature helps you see in dark places by
making the display and backlight as bright as possible.
In ldie mode, press and hold the Navigation key up
to turn on the display backlight. You can also select
Applications →Torch light→<On>.
To turn off the display backlight, press <Off>.
Back cover
SIM card
To AC power outlet

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung GT-E1190

Samsung GT-E1190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Samsung GT-E1190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Samsung GT-E1190 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 2 pagina's

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