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Emergency Services and Safety
Emergency Services
To make an emergency call in any country
Press 1 1 2 .
Ask the operator for the service which you require: Police,
Ambulance, Fire Brigade, Coastguard or Mountain Rescue
Services. Give your position and, if possible, remain
stationary to maintain phone contact.
The 112 emergency number service is available on every
digital network service. The number 999 is an alternative
emergency number for the UK only, and can only be used
with a valid SIM card.
2 Due to the nature of the cellular system, the
success of emergency calls cannot be
General Care
A cellphone contains delicate electronic circuitry, magnets,
and battery systems. You should treat it with care and give
particular attention to the following points.
Do not allow the phone or its accessories to come into
contact with liquid or moisture at any time.
Do not place anything in the folded phone.
Do not expose your phone to extreme high or low
Do not expose your phone to naked flame, cigars or
Do not paint your phone.
Do not drop or subject your phone to rough treatment.
Do not place the phone alongside computer disks, credit
cards, travel cards and other magnetic media. The
information contained on disks or cards may be affected
by the phone.
Do not leave the phone or the battery in places where the
temperature could exceed 60°C; e.g. on a car dashboard
or on a window sill, behind glass in direct sunlight, etc.
Do not remove the phone’s battery while the phone is
switched on.
Take care not to allow metal objects, such as coins or key
rings, to contact or short-circuit the battery terminals.
Do not dispose of battery packs in a fire. Your phone's Li-
ion batteries may be safely disposed of at Li-ion recycling
points. For more specific battery and power supply
information, see page 3.
Do not put your phone's battery in your mouth as battery
electrolytes may be toxic if swallowed.
Do not attempt to dismantle the phone or any of its
This equipment is fitted with an internal battery that can
only be replaced by a qualified service engineer. There is
a risk of explosion if the battery is replaced by an
incorrect type. Dispose of the used battery in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
Using any battery pack, AC adapter or Vehicle power
adapter (option) not specified by the manufacturer for
use with this phone creates a potential safety hazard.
The earpiece may become warm during normal use and
the unit itself may become warm during charging.
Use a damp or anti-static cloth to clean the phone. Do
NOT use a dry cloth or electrostatically charged cloth. Do
not use chemical or abrasive cleaners as these could
damage the case.
Remember to recycle: the cardboard packaging supplied
with this phone is ideal for recycling.
Do not leave the battery pack empty or disconnected for
a long time, otherwise some data may be initialized.
Your phone contains metal which may cause you an itch,
a rash or eczema depending on your constitution or
physical condition.
Take care not to put your phone in the back pocket of
your trousers or skirt and then sit on it. Also, do not put
your phone at the bottom of bag where it may subject to
excessive weight or pressure.
Doing so may damage the LCD and camera lens and
cause them malfunction.
Take care not to hold the Light too close to your or other
people’s eyes when the Light is lit.
Do not aim or direct the InfraRed (IR) data port towards
your or other people’s eyes when using the IR data
The foam covers the earpiece of the headset (option). Do
not put any other part of the headset in your ears.
Aircraft Safety
Switch off your phone and remove its battery when inside
or near aircraft. The use of cellphones in aircraft is illegal.
It may be dangerous to the operation of the aircraft and it
may disrupt the cellular network. Failure to observe this
instruction may lead to suspension or denial of cellphone
service to the offender, or legal action, or both.
Do not use your phone on the ground without the
permission of the ground crew.
Hospital Safety
Switch off your phone in areas where the use of
cellphones is prohibited. Follow the instructions given by
the respective medical facility regarding the use of
cellphones on their premises.
General Safety
Observe ‘Turn off 2-way radio’ signs, such as those near
stores of fuel, chemicals or explosives.
Do not allow children to play with the phone, charger or
Small parts are included in your phone. Keep them out of
reach of small children, for whom it could be a choking
The operation of some medical electronic devices, such
as hearing aids and pacemakers, may be affected if a
cellphone is used next to them. Observe any warning
signs and manufacturer's recommendations.
If you have a weak heart, you should take extra
precautions when setting functions such as the Vibrator
and Ringer volume functions for incoming calls.
If you set the Vibrator setting to anything other than OFF,
be careful that the phone is not near a source of heat
(e.g. a heater) and that it does not fall from a desk due to
the vibration.
Road Safety
You MUST exercise proper control of your vehicle at all
times. Give full attention to driving.
Observe all the recommendations contained in your local
traffic safety documentation.
Pull off the road and park before making or answering a
call if driving conditions so require.
You MUST NOT stop on the hard shoulder of a motorway
to answer or make a call, except in an emergency.
Switch off your phone at a refuelling point, such as a
petrol station, even if you are not refuelling your own car.
Do not store or carry flammable or explosive materials in
the same compartment where a radio transmitter, such
as a cellphone, is placed.
Electronic vehicle systems, such as anti-lock brakes,
speed control and fuel injection systems are not normally
affected by radio transmissions. The manufacturer of
such equipment can advise if it is adequately shielded
from radio transmissions. If you suspect vehicle
problems caused by radio transmissions, consult your
dealer and do not switch on your phone until it has been
checked by qualified approved installers.
Vehicles Equipped with an Air Bag
An air bag inflates with great force. Do not place objects,
including either installed or portable
wireless equipment, in the area over the air bag or in the
air bag deployment area. If in-vehicle wireless equipment
is improperly installed and the air bag inflates, serious
injury could result.
Emergency Services and
Safety Precautions

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