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We are highly gratified that you have selected the MAMIYA
C330 from among so many makes of cameras on the
market. Before using the camera, please read these instruc-
tions very carefully, and learn the correct method of han-
dling it. By becoming completely familiarized with the
MAMIYA C330, you can make the most of the splendid op-
portunities this fine camera offers for many years to come.
This MAMIYA C330, an exceptionally high-grade camera,
was designed by emphasizing further improvements on the
popular MAMIYA C series. Retaining the many features of
the MAMIYA C series cameras which have won highest
praise from professional photographers the world over as
unique twin-lens reflex cameras (2 1/4 in. square format)
with interchangeable lenses, especially stressed was minimiz-
ing size and weight plus handling ease.
Final results reveal that this MAMIYA C330, an ideal
camera for professional photographers, is also a wise
choice for the many advanced amateurs who wish to take
advantage of fine details in enlargements which only a
large-format camera truly makes possible.
The MAMIYA C330 accepts all interchangeable lenses of
the current Mamiya C series as well as all of the accessories
except the single-exposure attachment.
In addition, various new accessories have been designed
for this model. With the wide selection of all these inter-
changeable lenses and accessories, you can further widen
your scope of photography by making the most of the
unlimited versatility the MAMIYA C33O offers.
Read These Instructions Before Using Your
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nomenclature of Operating Parts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Opening and Closing the Back Cover
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Before Loading Film
Loading Film...................................................
Handling the Focusing Hood
Changing the
focusing hood
........................ 13
Changing the focusing screen
..................... 13
Before Taking
Pictures .................................... 14
Setting the parallax correcting dial
............... 14
Correcting parallax
....................................... 14
Compensating exposure
.............................. 14
Indicating film speed and type on respective
................................................. 15
Distance Scale
................................................ 16
Taking Pictures ............................................. 17
Shutter Operations ......................................... 18
Using the multiple exposure selector
............ 18
Locking the
shutter button ........................... 18
When no film is loaded in the camera .........
Photographing by
Changing Lenses ............................................. 2 1
Changing the Back Cover.. ............................... 23
Tripod Socket ................................................
................................................... 24
Lens Specifications Table
............................... 32
Depth of Field
Table.. ..................................... 34
System chart for MAMIYA C330 ..................... 41

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