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Achtung: wieder gelöste Sicherheitsmuttern werden unbrauchbar
(Zerstörung der Klemmsicherung) und sind durch Neue zu ersetzen.
" Aus fertigungstechnischen Gründen behalten wir uns die
Vormontage von Bauteilen (z.B. Rohrstopfen) vor.
" Bewahren Sie die Originalverpackung des Gerätes gut auf, damit
sie später u. U. als Transportverpackung verwendet werden kann.
HEINZ KETTLER GmbH & Co. KG · Postfach 1020 · D- 59463 Ense-Parsit
KETTLER Austria GmbH · Gewerbestaße 2 · A - 5322 Hof / Sbg.
Trisport AG · Im Bösch 67 · CH-6331 Hünenberg
Assembly Instructions
For Your Safety
" Exercise should be used only for its intended purpose, i.e. for
physical exercise by adult persons.
" Any other use of the equipment is prohibited and may be dangerous.
The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage or injury
caused by improper use of the equipment.
" Exercise has been designed in accordance with the latest stan-
dards of safety. Any features which may have been a possible cause
of injury have been avoided or made as safe as possible.
" Incorrect repairs and structural modifications (e.g. removal or
replacement of original parts) may endanger the safety of the user.
" Damaged components may endanger your safety or reduce the lifetime
of the equipment. For this reason, worn or damaged parts should
be replaced immediately and the equipment taken out of use until
this has been done. Use only original KETTLER spare parts.
" If the equipment is in regular use, check all its components thor-
oughly every 1 -2 months. Pay particular attention to the tightness
of bolts and nuts.This applies especially to the securing bolts for
saddle and handelbars.
" To ensure that the safety level is kept to the highest possible
standard, determined by its construction, this product should be
serviced regulary (once a year) by specialist retailers.
" Instruct persons using the equipment (in particular children) on pos-
sible sources of danger during exercising.
" Before beginning your program of exercise, consult your doctor
to ensure that you are fit enough to use the equipment. Base your
program of exercise on the advice given by your
doctor. Incorrect or excessive exercise may damage
your health!
" Any interference with parts of the product that are not
described within the manual may cause damage, or
endanger the person using this machine. Extensive repairs
must only be carried out by KETTLER service staff or qua-
lified personnel trained by KETTLER.
" In case of enquiry, please contact your KETTLER dealer.
" In choosing the location of the apparatus, ensure a sufficient safety
distance from any obstacles. The apparatus must not be mounted
in the immediate vicinity of main passageways (paths, doorways,
" For a comfortable training position please adjust the handlebar and-
saddle position to your body height.
Before assembling or using the exercise cycle , please read the following instructions carefully. They contain important
information for use and maintenance of the equipment as well as for your personal safety. Keep these instructions in a
safe place for maintenance purposes or for ordering spare parts.
Handling the equipment
" Before using the equipment for exercise, check carefully to
ensure that it has been correctly assembled.
" Before beginning your first training session, familiarize yourself
thoroughly with all the functions and settings of the unit.
" It is not recommended to use or store the apparatus in a damp
room as this may cause it to rust. Please ensure that no part
of the machine comes in contact with liquids (drinks,
perspiration etc.). This may cause corrosion.
" The machine is designed for use by adults and children should
not be allowed to play with it. Children at play behave unpre-
dictably and dangerous situations may occur for which the man-
ufacturer cannot be held liable. If, in spite of this, children are
allowed to use the equipment, ensure that they are instructed in
its proper use and supervised accordingly.
" The exercise cycle complies with the DIN EN 957 - 1/5, class
HB. It is therefore unsuitable for therapeutic use.
" A slight production of noise at the bearing of the centrifugal mass
is due to the construction and has no negative effect upon ope-
ration. Possibly occurring noise during reverse pedalling result
from engineering and are absolutely safe.
" Do not use corrosive or abrasive materials to clean the equipment.
Ensure that such materials are not allowed to pollute the envi-
" The exercise cycle has a magnetic brake system.
" To operate correctly, the pulse function requires a minimum
voltage of 2,7 volts (only for computers working with batteries).
" The equipment is dependent of revolutions per minute.
" Please ensure that liquids or perspiration never enter
the machine or the electronics.
" Before use, always check all screws and plug-in connections as
well as respective safety devices fit correctly.
" Always wear suitable shoes when using.
" The product is not suitable for use by persons weighing over 110 kg.
" All
electric appliances emit electromagnetic radiation when in operation.
Please do not leave especially radiation-intensive appliances (e.g. mobile
telephones) directly next to the cockpit or the electronic controlsystem
as otherwise values displayed might be distorted (e.g. pulse measu-

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  • waar kan ik een nederlans gebruikaanwijzing krijgenvan de kettler 100 hometraner wimooijendijk@ziggo.nl Gesteld op 3-10-2022 om 13:43

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  • waar kan ik een Nederlandse gebruiksaanwijzing bekrijgen / kopen van Kettler paso 100 mail naar hunnekens01@gmail.com Gesteld op 27-11-2020 om 18:55

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  • Is deze hometrainer geschikt voor revalidatie, trapt hij soepel? Gesteld op 16-2-2020 om 01:48

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  • Hallo fiets vrienden, wie kan mij een draaiknop voor zwaar - lichter bezorgen voor een kettler paso 100 alvast bedankt Gesteld op 22-1-2015 om 19:06

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    • Heb jij al een knop gevonden. Ik heb hetzelfde probleem. De gewelfde buitenring van de knop neemt bij ronddraaien het asje niet mee. Ik heb al gekeken of de kabel in de buis los zit, maar dat is niet het geval. mvg peter : pkdam@outlook.com Geantwoord op 9-3-2015 om 14:50

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  • Hoe kom ik aan een handleiding waar in staat hoe het display bediend moet worden? Gesteld op 18-3-2013 om 10:56

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  • Mevrouw/ meneer,

    Ik heb een Kettler Paso maar weet niet hoe ik het programma moet starten. Alleen de hartslag is wel te meten/ zien. De averige onderdelen distance, time etc geven 000.00

    Kunt u vertellen wat ik moet doen of kan er iets met het vervoer gebeurd zijn?
    Graag advies. Gesteld op 5-11-2012 om 15:35

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  • 6
  • mijn kettler paso 100 trapt door.dus trappers eraf gehaald, behuizing erafgehaald..riem slipt niet. Wat nu Gesteld op 28-8-2012 om 21:21

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    • Heb het zelfde probleem. Vraag heb je ondertussen een oplossing gevonden? Kan je me zeggen hoe en met welke sleutels je de behuizing en de trappers er hebt afgehaald? Geantwoord op 6-2-2021 om 17:38

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Andere handleiding(en) van Kettler PASO 100 - 07621-000

Kettler PASO 100 - 07621-000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanôl, Espanõl, Polski, Dansk - 32 pagina's

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