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1 pitch mat with integral stadium supports, 2 goals, 2 goal nets,
2 Subbuteo footballs, 8 player cards (3 players per card),
20 player bases (10 blue and 10 red), 2 Goalkeeper playing handles,
1 suspended scoreboard, 8 stadium rods, 4 collars, 1 centre support,
1 scoreboard sticker sheet, 1 rules poster.
Collector Skills Sets
• Spread out the pitch on a flat surface.
• Place the stickers onto the scoreboard. (See 1.)
• Insert four of the stadium rods into the stadium
supports. (See 2.)
• Join the remaining stadium rods using the four collars. (See 3.)
• Slot the stadium rods into the centre support. (See 1.)
• Attach the scoreboard to the centre support. (See 1.)
• Assemble the goals and nets as shown. (See 4.)
• Place the goals on the pitch and slide each goalkeeper’s
playing handle under the back of the goal. (See 5.)
Welcome to Subbuteo Dream Team Stadium: the classic game of tabletop football,
now with an all-star, international line-up.
You are the player-manager of an elite dream team, made up of the most talented players from
England, Italy and Spain.
You’ll need skill, precision and one-touch fingertip control to flick your players around the pitch.
With practice your players will dribble, pass, defend and shoot with world-class accuracy.
On the back of this sheet you’ll find all the rules you need to play. So, assemble your stadium, line
up your starting eleven and get ready to kick off!
Each player is assigned a position.
Your team line-up consists of 11 men,
and must include:
• 1 Goalkeeper
• At least one Defender
• At least one Midfielder
• At least one Forward
Attacking players
Forwards and midfielders with a black bar on their
disc may flick the ball up to 4 times in a row, provided
that their fourth flick is taken in the other team’s half.
Defensive players
Defenders and midfielders with no black bar on their
disc may flick the ball up to 2 times in a row when
defending, provided that they are on their own side of
the halfway line.
Player name.
Black band
denotes an
If there is no
band, the
player is
colour denotes team
(red or blue).
Original team badge.
Take your team to victory by signing up new
talent and enhancing your technique with the
Subbuteo Collector Skills Sets.
Each Collector Skills set contains…
• 12 randomly selected players to add to your line up
• Specialist training equipment
• 4 pro-bases (2 Cobras, 2 Sidewinders)
• 1 ball (orange, gold or silver)
Each Collector Skills Set
contains 2 Cobras (red and
blue) to give your star strikers
even greater shooting power.
The COBRA pro-base
Put it in the back of the net!
Each Collector Skills Set contains
2 Sidewinders (red and blue) to
provide your players with
unparalleled swerve action.
The SIDEWINDER pro-base
Bend it like the best!
Ball Control
Enhance your dribbling and passing
skills with training cones, just like
the professionals.
Chipping Ramp
Now you can get some serious
elevation from your free kicks.
Chipping Target
Loft your passes and shots with
pinpoint accuracy after training with the
chipping target.
Goal Deflector
The goal deflector allows your keeper
to clear the ball and get your team back
on the attack.
Team Selection
Team Selection
Advanced Game
Advanced Game
Assembling the Stadium
• One team must play with red bases
and the other with blue.
• Pop the players from the cards as
shown. They can be clipped back into
the cards after use.
• Place each player’s disc, with your
team’s colour face-up, onto a base of
the same colour, then slot the player
into the base.
• Slot your goalkeeper onto the
goalkeeper’s playing handle.
• Choose your team line-up from a
selection of top European players.
• Your dream team may consist of
players from any of the teams provided.

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