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See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product box
for product warnings and other important information.
Always wear safety goggles, ear protection, and a dust mask when drilling,
cutting, or sanding.
Follow these instructions to properly install the all of the components
provided with your echo 100/150/200/300c/500c /550c.
Contact Garmin Product Support if you have any questions while using your
echo. In the USA, go to www.garmin.com/support, or contact Garmin USA
by phone at (913) 397.8200 or (800) 800.1020.
In the UK, contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. by phone at 0808 2380000.
In Europe, go to www.garmin.com/support and click Contact Support for
in-country support information, or contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. by phone at
+44 (0) 870.8501241.
Drill and drill bits
in. wrench or socket
Masking tape
Number 2 Phillips screwdriver
Marine sealant
Hardware for the swivel mount (bolts or screws) (page 3)
Before permanently installing any part of your echo, plan the installation by
determining the location of the various components. Verify that the cables are
long enough to connect the components to each other and to power.
The transducer is the component of your echo that transmits sound waves
through the water and receives them to relay the information to your echo
device. With the supplied hardware, you can install the included transducer
on the transom of your boat (page 1) or on your trolling motor (page 3).
If you already have an existing Garmin 6-pin dual-beam transducer on your
boat, you can use it with your echo device by installing an adapter cable (sold
The echo device can be mounted using the included swivel-mount bracket
(page 3), or it can be mounted ush with the dashboard using the appropriate
ush-mount kit (sold separately).
When planning a mounting location, choose a location that you can see as
you operate your vessel, provides easy access to the keys on the echo, and is
the appropriate distance from a compass (page 6).
1. Insert the rubber washer
and the plastic spacer
into the transducer
at the same time.
Do not add any lubrication to the rubber washer.
2. Pull the cable back and slide the transducer into the mounting bracket
3. Place a 5 mm at washer
on the 10-32 x 1.75 in. screw
and insert
the screw through the mounting bracket, transducer, spacer, and rubber
4. Place a 5 mm at washer on the exposed end of the 10-32 x 1.75 in.
screw, and fasten it with the 10-32 lock nut
Do not tighten the 10-32 lock nut. You will adjust the transducer and
tighten the nut after you install the transducer on the boat.
Select a transom-mount location while considering these guidelines for
optimal performance.
Mount the transducer as close to the center of the boat as possible.
Do not mount the transducer behind strakes, struts, ttings, water
intake or discharge ports, or anything that creates air bubbles or
causes the water to become turbulent.
The transducer must be in clean (non-turbulent) water for optimal
Do not mount the transducer in the path of the propeller on single-
drive boats.
The transducer can cause cavitation that can degrade the performance
of the boat and damage the propeller.
On twin-drive boats, mount the transducer between the drives, if
Do not mount the transducer in a location where it might be jarred
when launching, hauling, or storing.
February, 2011 190-01312-02 Rev. B Printed in Taiwan

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Andere handleiding(en) van Garmin Echo 500C

Garmin Echo 500C Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 6 pagina's

Garmin Echo 500C Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Garmin Echo 500C Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

Garmin Echo 500C Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 64 pagina's

Garmin Echo 500C Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 28 pagina's

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