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Instruction Manual
WARNING - Please read this manual prior to installation or use.
This unit must be installed by a competent person, in accordance with BS 7671 (the IEE
Wiring Regulations), or other relevant national regulations and codes of good practice.
Always isolate the AC Mains supply before removing the unit from the Industry
Standard Back Plate.
This thermostat can replace most common residential thermostat and is designed to be used
with electric, gas or oil heating control system or cooling system.
Unlike ordinary single unit design thermostat, this unit is a new type of thermostat separating
the thermostat function into two units. The Receiver serves for wiring connections and
heat/cool on/off control. The Control Centre serves as user interface
and temperature sensing/control. The two units are linked by RF.
The advantage is that user can put the Control Centre nearby and can read/control the
temperature of really the living area.
Several useful function and operating modes have been incorporated to suit a variety of
customer needs besides all the features associated with the state of the art
programmable thermostat.
20 20
00 06 12 18 00
Up button
Conf/Econ button
Down button
Back-Light button
Set time button
Reset button
Set temperature button
Set program button
20 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
00 06 12 18 24
Program nr
Manual overide
Day indicator
Battery low
Control profile
- Can be placed anywhere in the home to detect and control
the temperature of an area of the user’s choice. Not limited
by power control wiringlocations.
- Link with the Receiver via RF. Control distance 50M open site
- LCD shows the "need to know" information only, which is
more easy to understand.- Real time clock with day of the
week display
- Room temperature display
- Control profile display
- Simplified temperature adjustment - Simplified programming
- 6 pre-defined control profiles, 3 user programmable control
- A protection against freezing
- Temporary override set-temperature
- User selectable temperature span
- User selectable heater/cooler operation mode
- Battery level detection
- 2 AA size alkaline batteries (not included)
- Slim housing design
- EL backlight
- Linked with Control Centre via RF.
- Power control rating up to 230VAC 16A resistive.
- Powered by line voltage only. No battery required.
- Two LED indicators for power and output status.
1.The appliance can only be mounted indoors and in areas free
from any water or moisture
2.A suitable fuse with a rating not exceeding 16A, should be in
the power line.
3.Observe the nation regulator for the wiring.
4.A qualified electrician is recommended for installation and
servicing. This thermostat has been designed for simple and
quick installation requiring only a few tools. Only the Power
Control Unit needs to be installed.
Power switchPower switch
LED indicatorLED indicator
Front viewFront view
Back viewBack view
-1- -2-

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Andere handleiding(en) van Elro KT 300RF

Elro KT 300RF Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Espanôl, Polski, Türkiye - 1 pagina's

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