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(Original instructions)
Intended use
Your Black & Decker steam mop has been designed for
sanitising and cleaning sealed hardwood, sealed laminate,
linoleum, vinyl, ceramic tile, stone and marble oors and for
refreshing carpets. This appliance is intended for indoor
household use only.
Safety instructions
Warning! Read all safety warnings and all
instructions. Failure to follow the warnings and
instructions listed below may result in electric
shock, re and/or serious injury.
Warning! When using mains-powered appli-
ances, basic safety precautions, including the
following, should always be followed to reduce
the risk of re, electric shock, personal injury and
material damage.
u Read all of this manual carefully before using the appli-
u The intended use is described in this manual. The use of
any accessory or attachment or the performance of any
operation with this appliance other than those recom-
mended in this instruction manual may present a risk of
personal injury.
u Retain this manual for future reference.
Using your appliance
u Do not direct steam at people, animals, electrical appli-
ances or electrical outlets.
u Do not expose to rain.
u Do not immerse the appliance in water.
u Do not leave the appliance unattended.
u Do not leave the appliance connected to an electrical
outlet when not in use.
u Never pull the power lead to disconnect the appliance
from the socket. Keep the appliance lead away from heat,
oil and sharp edges.
u Do not handle steam cleaner with wet hands.
u Do not pull or carry by cord, use cord as a handle, close
door on cord, pull cord around sharp corners or expose
cord to heated surfaces.
u Do not use appliance in an enclosed space lled with
vapour given off by oil-base paint thinner, some moth-
proong substances, ammable dust, or other explosive
or toxic vapours.
u Check the type of oor with the manufacturer.
u Do not use on leather, wax polished furniture or oors,
synthetic fabrics, velvet or other delicate, steam-sensitive
Warning! Do not use on unsealed wood or
unsealed laminate oors. On surfaces that have
been treated with wax or some no wax oors, the
sheen may be removed by the heat and steam
action. It is always recommended to test an
isolated area of the surface to be cleaned before
proceeding. We also recommend that you check
the use and care instructions from the oor
u Never put descaling, aromatic, alcoholic or detergent
products into the steam cleaner, as this may damage it or
make it unsafe for use.
u If the home circuit breaker activates while using the steam
function, discontinue product use immediately and contact
the customer support centre. (Beware of the risk of electri-
cal shock.)
u The appliance emits very hot steam to sanitize the area of
use. This means that the steam head, cleaning pads and
carpet attachment get very hot during use.
u Caution! Always wear suitable shoes when using your
steam mop and when changing the accessories on your
steam mop. Do not wear slippers or open toed footwear.
u The lid may become hot during use.
u Steam may escape from the appliance during use.
u Care should be taken when using this appliance. DO NOT
touch any parts which may become hot during use.
u Switch the appliance off and return the handle to the
upright position before removing the cap from the water
u For oor use only; do not use the unit upside down. This
appliance is intended for indoor household use only.
After use
u Unplug the appliance and allow to cool before cleaning.
u When not in use, the appliance should be stored in a dry
u Children should not have access to stored appliances.
Inspection and repairs
u Unplug the appliance and allow to cool before performing
any maintenance or repairs.
u Before use, check the appliance for damaged or defective
parts. Check for breakage of parts, damage to switches
and any other conditions that may affect its operation.
u Regularly check the power lead for damage.
u Do not use the appliance if any part is damaged or defec-
u Have any damaged or defective parts repaired or replaced
by an authorized repair agent.
u Never attempt to remove or replace any parts other than
those specied in this manual.

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