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Your mobile ..............
1.1 Keys
Navigation key
Confirm an option (press the middle of the key)
Pick up/Send a call
In idle screen:
Access call log (Redial) (press)
Switch on/Switch off the telephone (press and
End call
Return to idle screen
Left softkey
Right softkey
Access your voicemail (press and hold)
In Edit mode:
- Press: access the symbols table
- Press and hold: enter zero
In Edit mode:
- Press: change input methods
- Press and hold: access the language list
In idle screen:
- Press: #
- Press and hold: activate/deactivate the vibrate
In Edit mode:
- Press:
1.2 Main screen icons
In 1030X:
Battery charge level.
Vibrate alert: your phone vibrates, but does not ring
or beep.
Headset connected.
Call forwarding activated: your calls are forwarded.
Alarm or appointments programmed.
Level of network reception.
Voicemail message arrived.
Missed calls.
Radio is on.
SIM card missing.
Music activated.
Silence mode: your phone does not ring, beep or
vibrate with the exception of the alarm.
SMS unread.
Flight mode.
Inserting and removing the SIM card
Place the SIM card with the chip facing downwards and slide it
into its housing. Make sure that it is correctly inserted. To
remove the card, press it and slide it out.
This product meets applicable national
SAR limits of 2.0 W/kg. The specific
maximum SAR values can be found on
page 21 of this user guide.
When carrying the product or using it
while worn on your body, either use an
approved accessory such as a holster or
otherwise maintain a distance of 10 mm
from the body to ensure compliance with
RF exposure requirements. Note that
the product may be transmitting even if
you are not making a phone call.
Charging the battery
Connect the battery charger to your phone and mains socket
The charging may take about 20 minutes to start if the
battery is flat.
Be careful not to force the plug into the socket.
Make sure the battery is correctly inserted before
connecting the charger.
The mains socket must be near to the phone and easily
accessible (avoid electric extension cables).
When using your telephone for the first time, charge the
battery fully (approximately 3 hours). You are advised to
fully charge the battery (
To reduce power consumption and energy waste, when
battery is fully charged, disconnect your charger from the
plug; reduce the backlight time, etc.
The charge is complete when the animation stops.
2.2 Power on your phone
Hold down the
key until the phone powers on.
2.3 Power off your phone
Hold down the
key from the main screen.
Call log ..............
6.1 Access
You can access the function using the following options:
Select from main menu
Press the send key from Home screen
6.2 Available options
When you press "Options", you can have access to View,
Send SMS, Save to Contacts, Edit before call, Add to
blacklist, Add to whitelist, Delete etc.
Music ..................
Access this feature from the main menu by selecting “Music”.
You will have full flexibility of managing music on memory card.
Make sure your memory card well inserted before activating
Quick Start Guide
For more information about how to use the phone, please go
to www.alcatelonetouch.com to download complete user
manual (English version only). Moreover, from the website
you can also consult FAQ (English version only).
The icons and illustrations in this guide are provided for information
purposes only.
Contacts ............
4.1 Consulting your contacts
To access the Contacts from the main screen, press the
key and select the
icon from the menu.
For dual SIM model, the complete contacts of both SIM1 and
SIM2 are available in this menu
4.2 Adding a contact
You can add a new contact to phone or SIM card by selecting
"Add contact".
Messages ...........
5.1 Create message
From the main menu select "Messages" to create text
message. You can type a message and you can also modify a
predefined message in Templates. While writing a message,
select "Options" to access all the messaging options. You can
save your messages that you send often to Drafts.
Specific letters (accent) will increase the size of the
SMS, this may cause multiple SMS to be sent to
your recipient.
1030D only.
Calls ..........................
3.1 Making a call
Dial the desired number then press the
key to place the
call. If you make a mistake, you can delete the incorrect digits
by pressing the right softkey.
To hang up the call, press the
Making an emergency call
If your phone is covered by the network, dial emergency
number and press the
key to make an emergency call.
This works even without a SIM card and without typing the
PIN code.
3.2 Calling your voicemail
To access your voicemail, hold down the
3.3 Receiving a call
When you receive an incoming call, press the
key to talk
and then hang up using the
3.4 Available functions during the call
During a call, you can use your directory, your calendar, short
messages, etc. without losing your correspondent.
Contact your network operator to check service availability.
In 1030D:
Level of network reception.
Call forwarding activated: your calls are
SMS unread.
Getting started .........
2.1 Set-up
Removing and installing the back cover
Removing and installing the battery
FM radio .............
Your phone is equipped with a radio
with RDS functionality.
You can use the application as a traditional radio with saved
channels or with parallel visual information related to the radio
program on the display if you tune to stations that offer Visual
Radio service. You can listen to it while running other
My files ..............
You will have access to all audio and visual files stored in
memory card in My files. You can access a number of items
with this option: My audios, My images, My videos, Other
files, etc.
Inserting and removing the memory card:
To insert the microSD card with the golden contact downward.
To remove the card, press and slide it out.
Settings ..............
From the main menu, select the menu icon and select the
function of your choice in order to customise your telephone:
Phone settings, Call settings, Security, Network, Restore
default, Dual SIM switch
, Dual SIM settings
Tools ...................
11.1 Alarm
Your mobile phone has a built-in alarm clock with a snooze
11.2 Calculator
Enter a number, select the type of operation to be performed,
and enter the second number, then press “=” to display the
11.3 Calendar
Once you enter this menu from the main menu, there is a
monthly-view calendar for your view.
11.4 Voice alarm
With this menu, you may create the voice file and set it as the
11.5 Notes
You can create a note in text format by accessing “Tools\
Notes” from the main menu.
11.6 Call filter
Enable blacklist, all callers in the list will be automatically
blocked. Enable whitelist, only callers in the list can be
connected. You are allowed to add 50 contacts to each list from
Contacts, Call log, Messages or to add directly by pressing
11.7 Services
Contact your network operator to check service availability.
Profiles ............
With this menu, you may personalise ringtones for different
events and environments.
Making the most of
your mobile ............
Using ONE TOUCH Upgrade tool you can update your
phone’s software from your PC.
Download ONE TOUCH Upgrade from ALCATEL ONE
TOUCH website (www.alcatelonetouch.com) and install it on
your PC. Launch the tool and update your phone by following
the step by step instructions (refer to the User Guide provided
together with the tool).
Your phone’s software will now have the latest software.
All personal information will be permanently lost
following the update process. We recommend you
backup your personal data before upgrading.
The quality of the radio depends on the coverage of the radio station in
that particular area.
1030D only.
Latin input mode ..
To write messages, there are two writing methods:
Normal: this mode allows you to type a text by choosing a
letter or a sequence of characters associated with a key.
Predictive with the eZi mode: this mode speeds up the
writing of your text.
key in edit mode
Press: access the symbols table
Press and hold: enter zero
English - CJB26G0ALAAA
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at
high volume levels for long periods. Exercise caution
when holding your device near your ear while the loudspeaker
is in use.
Left softkey
Pick up/Send call
Call log
(press and hold)
Right softkey
Switch on/Switch off
End call
Vibration alert
(press and hold)
Navigation key:
Menu/Confirm an option
ALCATEL is a trademark of
Alcatel-Lucent and used under license by
TCT Mobile Limited.
All rights reserved © Copyright 2013
TCT Mobile Limited.
TCT Mobile Limited reserves the right to alter
material or technical specification without prior
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at
high volume levels for long periods. Exercise caution
when holding your device near your ear while the loudspeaker
is in use.
IP4545_1030X_1030D_QG_Eng_GB_12_130426.indd 1IP4545_1030X_1030D_QG_Eng_GB_12_130426.indd 1 2013-4-26 10:09:022013-4-26 10:09:02

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alcatel One Touch 1030D

Alcatel One Touch 1030D Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Alcatel One Touch 1030D Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Alcatel One Touch 1030D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 29 pagina's

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