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Safety precautions and
conditions of use
We recommend that you read this section
carefully before use.
As with all types of radio transceivers,
your smart phone emits electromagnetic
waves unless the smart phone has been
switched on in PIM-only mode. Your smart
phone conforms to international regula-
tions insofar as it is used under normal
conditions and in accordance with the
following instructions.
Electromagnetic waves
Do not switch on your smart phone's
phone function aboard an aircraft (as
your smart phone may interfere with the
aircraft's electronic systems). Current
legislation forbids this use and legal
action can be taken against the user.
Do not switch on your smart phone's
phone function in a hospital, except in
designated areas.
Use of your smart phone's phone
function may affect the performance of
medical electronic devices (pacemak-
ers, hearing aids, insulin pumps, etc.). If
you have a hearing aid or a pacemaker,
only use the smart phone on the other
side of your body from where the
device is located. Consult your doctor
Caring for your smart phone
Do not allow children to use your smart
phone without supervision.
Do not open or attempt to repair your
smart phone yourself.
Do not drop your smart phone or
subject it to severe impacts. Bending
the body can damage the circuitry. Do
not use extreme force when pressing
the display or keys.
Do not use sharp, pointed objects or
your fingernails to touch the display
screen. We recommend you use only
the supplied touch pen to touch or write
on the screen.
Hard or sharp objects can scratch your
smart phone, so ensure it is closed
and/or protected when carried with
other objects.
Do not use solvents to clean your smart
phone. Use only a soft, dry cloth.
Do not carry your smart phone in your
back pocket as it could break when you
sit down. The display is made of glass
and is particularly fragile.
or the device manufacturer for further
Do not switch on your smart phone's
phone function near gas or inflammable
Observe the rules concerning the use
of mobile phones at petrol stations,
chemical plants and at all sites where a
risk of explosion exists.
The retractable antenna should be fully
extended during use. Avoid prolonged
contact between the antenna and your
skin when your smart phone's phone
functions are switched on.

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Alcatel OT com Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 47 pagina's

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